Every effort was made to ensure that ramBunctious maintains data integrity; furthermore, ramBunctious worked on every Macintosh system we tested. (These include the Mac SE, Classic II, LC II, Mac IIsi, Performa 630CD, Quadra 800, Quadra 840AV, PowerBook 5300, Performa 6290, PowerMac 7100/80, PowerMac 8100/80, PowerMac 9500/132, and MAE 2.1.) However, although we believe ramBunctious is stable and safe, there are no guarantees: you use ramBunctious at your own risk. If you do find a problem with the program, please report it to rambunctious@kagi.com. ramBunctious is copyright © 1995 - 1996 by Elden Wood and Bob Clark. It is freely distributable, provided no more than a nominal copying fee is charged for the media. Please send notification to rambunctious@kagi.com if you plan to include ramBunctious in any shareware collections or distribute ramBunctious on CD. Feel free to do so; we'd simply like to know when it happens.